February News & Dinner

A Note from the President

As winter is starting to lose its grip, the IKES are busy with preparations for annual spring events. First of all, A huge thanks to all our members, All 238 of you. We would fail to exist without our membership and we rely on you to perpetuate our environmental mission. Each member should consider themselves “mini-caretakers” of our pristine grounds.

Come out often for enjoyment and help caretaker Casey Collier by wearing your badge, picking up trash and branches and reporting any of your concerns. We are celebrating our 93rd year in South Bend and plan to be in our community for years to come. Consider attending one of our great dinner/programs and lending a hand at one of our special events. We have a great line up of speakers for our dinner/programs this Spring.

This month features Gary Harrington from the Rum Village Nature Center on the comeback of animal species in Michiana. March features Marcus Winchester presenting the history of the Pokagon band of Potawtomi Indians in our area. April, will feature our ever popular tree give-away, now in its 7th decade! We will undoubtedly be busy with projects on the grounds in the spring and fall. All projects require volunteers and money to complete. We will keep you informed as to when these projects commence.


Planned burn on 3rd Pond

Our very capable FORC (Fish and Outdoor Recreation Committee) Headed by Joel Bowers and Nick Kanczuzewski have procured a burn permit to control the invasive Phragmites problem at the third pond. A date has not been selected yet but will likely occur this month. Check our website for details.


February Dinner/Program

“Comeback of Animal Species”

We welcome back Mr. Gary Harrington, director of the Rum Village Nature Center to the IKES on Wednesday, February 15th. Mr. Harrington, will present a program rich in facts describing the comeback of animal species in St. Joe County. This is a refreshing program that explains that all news concerning the animal world is not bad. Many species are making a tremendous comeback

We’ll let you take a look at them and decide for yourselves. See you at the IKES!

Dinner starts at 6:30 P.M. Program starts at 7:30 P.M.

Menu: swiss steak with the trimmings
Cost: $9 adults $5 12 and under
Call in your reservations by Mon. February 13th at 272-3660.

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